Chris Brown Settles Two Lawsuits

Prodizzle Head Of Content

chris brownChris Brown gets two lawsuits off his plate by settling each.

Chris Brown’s pockets may be slightly lighter, but he’s at least rid himself of the stress surrounding two lawsuits. Both stemmed from separate assault cases, the first, being the much-publicized fight in Washington, D.C., and the other, stemming from the time Breezy got into a fight with Frank Ocean and crew outside a recording studio in L.A.

TMZ reports that Chris Brown settled the civil lawsuit from the Washington, D.C. assault by forking over $100,000. The case itself was recently settled in court when Breezy’s lawyer finagled a plea deal for the singer, so he was able to avoid any jail time. The other lawsuit from the studio brawl was filed by Frank Ocean’s cousin for $3 million, as we initially reported. Sha’Keir Duarte didn’t end up getting quite as much as he asked for, but settled for just under $20,000, which seems hefty enough.

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