Gossip: Rick Ross Denying He Is The Father Of A Young Boy In Georgia

Rick Ross is adamant … he didn’t father a 3-year-old boy in Georgia to a destitute woman — despite a recent paternity suit filed against the rapper — and now, he wants to prove it … with a DNA test.

 The paternity suit was filed in Broward County by Florida Department of Revenue — on behalf of 36-year-old Tyrisha Childers, who claims Ross knocked her up a few years ago … and still hasn’t paid a dime of child support.


 According to the docs, Childers needs all the help she can get — with zero income apart from $694 a month in disability payments. Worse, Childers claims she has absolutely no money in the bank.

 But Ross filed his own response soon after — claiming he never even slept with Childers … let alone got her pregnant … and he wants to prove it with a DNA test.

 We’ve reached out to both Ross and Childers for comment — so far, no response.

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