Mack Maine Charged With Sexual Battery

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mack maineMack Maine has officially been charged with sexual battery over an alleged assault of two women in August.

Rap Life

A few weeks ago, it was reported that an incident involving sexual and physical abuse of a female fan occurred on a tourbus during Lil Wayne”America’s Most Wanted” tour. While the assailant was initially unnamed, he was later revealed to be none other than Cash Money President Mack Maine.

The rapper has officially been charged for sexual battery, and new details have emerged in the case.

TMZ has acquired court documents which reveal claims that Mack invited Rachel Reed and Cailey Maddox onto his tour bus, where he “put his hand down Rachel’s dress and grabbed her right breast” without consent.

It then goes on to explain that the rapper refused to let them leave. “Rachel got upset and when she and Cailey tried to leave the bus, [Mack Maine] held the door shut.”

At this point, Maine allegedly attacked Cailey. “Once the door was opened, Cailey was walking down the steps but turned and looked back to call for Rachel and [Mack] punched her in the face, breaking her jaw and knocking her down.”

No court date has been confirmed at this time.

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