Rasstokyo, previously known as Tokyo the Producer has been building his name over the past few years with a number of releases and in the process of this, has worked with the likes of House of Pharoahs and Octavian’s Essie Gang. Rasstokyo is now gearing up to the release of his new EP, “DARK WHITE” with features from YSNREMI, Kid Bracer, Lash Vanegro and Mekah.
Hailing from South East London, Tokyo is known for his fluidity in transitioning from genre to genre – labelling his sound as ‘water music’. With his recent tracks gaining support from the likes of Mixmag, Dummy and RWD Magazine; Tokyo is only just starting on what looks to be a very exciting career.
“DARK WHITE” comes with Tokyo’s trademark sound of authenticity, delivering his self-produced alternative rap anthems over the six-track listing. Wanting to question the state of the worlds politics and speaking on white privilege, the EP is to be delivered just the day after the UK’s general election. Stream below or here.