Don Afric Shares New Song “On Fire”

You have to listen to the Moroccan rapper Don Africa.

Don’s unique style of pop-rap is fueled by influences from his native culture as well as by his willingness to innovate. His most recent hip-hop hit, “On Fire,” has all of these qualities and more. The music, which features deft use of the Oud, Derbuka, Lute, and Moroccan Violin, is a riveting listen.
What really sets Don Afric apart is the delicate and poignant nature of “On Fire,” which will appeal to Drake fans and sounds like something the Toronto rapper may put out. You can hear and feel him coming into his own as an artist in this record, which is saying a lot given how difficult it is to do so. Look into it right now.

To kick off his musical career, Don says, “On Fire, I want this song to be the start of my music career, it defines me and the style of music I would want to continue composing and sharing till the end of my career.”

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