Lil Wayne Says He’s “Ready To Retire Now”

Prodizzle Head Of Content

4-lilwayne_12-21-2012Lil Wayne says his role as a parent will soon take precedence over his role as an entertainer.

Lil Wayne was the guest of honor in the second season debut of Katie Couric’s show, “Katie.”

During the show, Weezy and Kouric discussed topics such as Lil Wayne’s time in jail, as well as his upbringing.

Another subject the pair broached was Wayne’s oft-dicussed retirement plans.

During the interview, Wayne confirmed that he plans to retire from music by the age of 35, and that his motivation to do so would be to spend more time with his children.

“Whatever they want to do. I don’t want to have no influence … ‘Hey you must do this, you must do that,'” he explained. “Because I didn’t have that and because I didn’t have that I grew up to be exactly what I wanted to be and how I wanted to be. I want that for all of my kids.”

“I know I’ll be ready to retire at thirty-five because I am so ready to retire now!” said Wayne, who has one daughter and three sons.

Lil Wayne has said or hinted he will retire after releasing Tha Carter IV, then said he would once Tha Carter V was released.

Watch the interview below:

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