Lyor Cohen Hospitalized After Suffering Pulmonary Embolism

Prodizzle Head Of Content

Cohen is documenting his recovery on SnapChat.

Lyor Cohen, longtime music executive and founder of 300 Entertainment, was hospitalized yesterday after suffering a pulmonary embolism, breaking the news on his new favorite form of social media, SnapChat. While the CEO was wearing an oxygen mask, he seemed to be in good spirits while he reported to his followers that he was recovering just fine but was lucky to be alive, suggesting “If it wasn’t for my son, and my best friend Norm, I would have been a goner… There’s actually nothing I could do. Anybody could get it. It’s a little blood clot that goes right up the body into the lungs and heart.”

LYORAccording to Cohen, the fact that he regularly exercises, and checked into the hospital when he did, allowed him a recovery that may not have been possible had he waited a mere four more hours. He thanked the people around him who encouraged him to get checked out.

Lyor also made sure to introduce his followers to his Doctor, Khalid, who he asked “you’re not DJ Khaled are you?,” only for the real DJ Khaled to appear in the next snap and wish Cohen the best.

Follow Cohen on SnapChat (lyor.cohen) to get a full update on his condition. Get better soon Lyor!

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