R&B singer Chris Brown has once again unplugged himself from popular social networking site Twitter shortly after a vulgar back-and-forth exchange took place over the weekend.

Brown’s heated exchange with female comedian Jenny Johnson sparked his explosive decision.


“I look old as (expletive)! I’m only 23…,” Brown wrote. Johnson, who has more than 308,000 followers, replied: “I know! Being a worthless piece of (expletive) can really age a person.” Her comment was retweeted more than 3,400 times. That set off Brown, who’s gained a reputation as a hothead after beating his then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009 and pleading guilty in a felony assault case. The pair has apparently patched up their relationship, and reportedly spent Thanksgiving together, although Brown continues to be plagued by the domestic violence rap. His latest Twitter feud with Johnson may only add more fuel to the fire. In response, Brown tweeted that she was engaging in oral sex with him, and later wrote, “Thanks HO!” when she corrected him about a misspelling. (New York Daily News)

Johnson also attacked Brown for his publicized domestic attack on ex-girlfriend Rihanna back in 2009.

The comedian wrapped up her comments by writing, “Okay. I’m done. All I got from that exchange with Chris Brown is that he wants to [bleep] and fart on me … I have zero respect for a person who seems unapologetic for the terrible crime he committed and shows no signs of changing.” Brown’s Twitter has since been deleted, however the exchange included a cryptic comment. “Don’t run for support now … Lol. Ur a comedic writer!!!” He added, “Just ask Rihanna if she mad??????” The controversial duo have yet to confirm their relationship status, but they have spent the better part of the holiday weekend together after Brown’s concert in Berlin. Rihanna also tweeted a shirtless pic of Brown sprawled on her bed on Saturday. (New York Post)

Back in December 2009, Chris Breezy also left Twitter but returned months later.

Chris Brown is the latest artist to abandon the service completely, following the precedent set by Miley Cyrus and Lil Wayne. Brown’s exit came after a week’s worth of Twitter-based ranting about stores not stocking his new album Graffiti. Only a few hours after that revelation, Brown issued his finally tweet: “I wanna thank my fans for all the support,” he wrote. “Goodbye!” The old address for his Twitter page now leads to the dreaded “Sorry, that page does not exist!” screen. (MTV)

Just a few weeks ago, the popular singer caught heat for rocking a controversial Halloween costume.

Brown’s rant was not well received by the Twitter community or the media. Then again, at this point, it’s not like anybody expected more from Brown. This is the same guy that dressed up like a terrorist for Halloween. It’s unclear how or why, but within a couple hours of the blowback, Brown’s Twitter account was gone. We’ll let you know if we find out any more details. For now, we’re going with Eli Braden’s theory: “Chris Brown’s publicist finally figured out his Twitter password.” (The Atlantic Wire)

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