Clean Cut Kid – Runaway [New Song]

Prodizzle Head Of Content

clean cut kid

Listen to Clean Cut Kid’s latest offering ‘Runaway’

With air raid-like synths at the start Clean Cut Kid instantly grab your attention with new single Runaway. Just as with Vitamin C, there are more delicious male/female harmonies from husband and wife Mike (lead vocals, guitar) and Evelyn (vocals and keyboards).  There’s pounding and driving percussion, bass that struts  and it all equates to a modern and slightly poppier twist on classic rock. It’s quite easy to become swept up in this musical journey thanks to smart and infections melodies and to feel the conviction of the lyrics – I particularly love “you never know how reality bites, until it bites you”. If this isn’t a massively popular single then I’ll have to have serious words with myself (I’m allergic to eating hats).

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